33 Minion Quotes Funny Enough For Every Occasion
Hey, you got to sleep though.
Just ask these couples who’ve been pushed to the brink of their relationships because of autocorrect fails!
Now there’s a minion quote funny enough to use as an inspirational quote!
How does that work?
Sometimes you can feel this way, but even those experiences may have give you something.
Minion quotes funny because how many people just can’t help themselves with forwarding spam!
Ariel, are you jealous?
And a Tuesday and a Wednesday..
Make the choice.
Minion quotes funny because aging is no joke!
Minion quotes funny because it hurts?
I need to be resourceful.
Why do I even have it?
Be warned.
Yep it’s strong.
I say this 8 times a day.
Sometimes you got to.
Trust and faith are hard to do, but we do them.
Minion quotes funny because it’s true example #1.
But wouldn’t you need to know the exact moment you were going to die?
These are all of our wishes.
And then they point it out!
Minion quotes funny because it’s true example #2!
That’s enough.
A sparkling personality.
Nothing at all.
They do such a good job too.
Minion quotes funny enough for your weekend!
Yeah but that’s hard.