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33 Quotes for Any #GirlBoss or #BossBabe

Boss Average

If you know you aren’t meant to be average, why are you living like you are? Go further, try harder.

Boss Beyou

It’s okay to think of yourself when working on your dream. Do it for you, not anyone else.

Boss Brick

Soon you’ll be higher than they’d ever expect.

Boss Coffee

You got this. You know you do. Go out and show it.

Boss Couldnt

Just wait. If they say you can’t do something, show them how you can do it even better than they ever imagined.

Boss Crowded

It may take longer to get your destination than short cuts, but it’s worth it.

Boss Dreamers

So who’s dreaming now? At least we’ll act on our dreams.



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You can do it. Even if takes a whole day to get one thing done, DO that thing.

Boss Fear

Which will one will you be? You know the answer. Rise and grind. Be the fire.

Boss Feelgood

Just imagine if all of the world’s greatest business owners took a break because of a cold. Where would we be?

Boss Focused

Make your work as good as you look.

Boss Handle

After all, you are never given anything you can’t handle. It may take time and extra effort, but you can do it.

Boss Hustle

Do you want people to say this about you? Show them your hustle.

Boss Independent

Best kind of vibe, if you ask me.

Boss Kickbutt

Are you going to be a badass? How so? Take your chances and work hard.

Boss Lazy

Then be a better badass tomorrow. Repeat.

Boss Lifting

Even if others look down on you, ignore them and move higher. They don’t deserve the view up there.

Boss Million

What’s your work ethic? What are you willing to do?

Boss Ordinary

That would be a shame. You are made to be more than ordinary. Your accomplishments can be more than ordinary. Question is…will you let them?

Boss Potential

Sometimes it can be hard to find that thing, but once you do, you’ll be unstoppable. Do you know it? Go for it.

Boss Push

There will be plenty of people who settle or give up. Don’t be one of them.

Boss Quit

Resting is fine. Quitting is not, especially if you’re working towards a dream. 

Boss React

These are distractions on the way to success. Learn how to overcome them.

Boss Ready

Every day has a possibility for you.

Boss Rise

Rise. Then rise again. Even if you fall, rise faster than you fell.

Boss Serena Outwit your fear. 
Boss Should

You never want to end your life with a bunch of “should” and “could.” 

Boss Takecharge

You think everyone apologizes when they’re on their way to success? Doubt it.

Boss Thisfar

I’m going to keep going. Now, you can join me, or you can stand out of my way.

Boss Underestimate

We rise up, and we grind on.

Boss Underestimateme

You’ll see what a mistake that is soon enough. Trust.

Boss WorkWork till they know who you are before you open your mouth.
Boss WorldIf no one else does it for you, you’re going to have to do it yourself. It’s worth it.

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