35 Inspirational Fitness Quotes to Keep You Motivated

Ugh the worst but so true.

It always feels good to be done.

Focus on your own gains.

Revenge is an underrated motivator.

It’s about loving yourself.

Keep going.

A mantra.

Every day.

No workout is easy. But you handle them better.

When the body hurts, that’s where the mind takes over.

You only get one true house.

I think of this during every workout.


Envision yourself in six months not six hours.

Keep going.

The best pain there is.

Fitness = health.

Resting is fine. Stopping is not.

Repetiton makes the change.

There is no bad workout.

Putting off the workout usually means shelving it.

Haters are motivators.

No one can make you want it; you have to want it.

Burgers will not ruin your workout.

So every day is a new beginning.

Nobody judges you for being at the gym.

Focus on how you will feel later, not how hard it is now.

A great mantra.

Even one more pushup than yesterday is a big result.

Stick it out for at least 2 weeks.

For many people this starts the day right.

Ugh. Not just Monday; Fridays too!

You’ll look forward to your workout.

I’ve never felt bad after a workout, ever.