37 of the Funniest Alternative and Honest Names for Animals

Angry one too.

Or an angry sea cat.

Loooooong horse.


Nope, nope, nope.

A huge nope.

A pack of goth turkeys.

Spikey pig.

A majestic animal.

Very majestic yet prissy!


Very grumpy.

Don’t get too close.

*freedom intensifies*

But it’s a cute balloon.

That one is pretty on the nose.

Lovable sea dog.

Walking on water.

Ramming it up.


Flappy flappy..

Always well-dressed.

Or meth squirrel.

Rock that moves.

Gathering that trash, looking so cute.

Prickly pig.


Is that the same for the crocodile?

Um, it’s adorable!

Spitty cuddle monster.

Disco disco disco!

A very large and sleepy potato.



Flat pancake.

Stinky cat.

Freedom chicken!

I mean, it looks so friendly.

Strutting around being a danger.