37 Funny Life Quotes to Get You Through All This
Whether you’re a parent, student, or an unwitting adult, life can take its toll on you. Take a break and laugh a little at these 37 Funny Life Quotes that will make you see the funny side of life.

don’t talk to me unless you’re asking if i want it frozen or “on the rocks. ”
Can apply to Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday…you get the picture.

They’re just awful.

Such a long week..is it over yet?

i just put a puzzle together in 1 day and the box said 2-4 years.
I’m on fire this week.

1% to be warm.
1% to be comfortable.
98% to slide across the floor like a freakin’ ninja!.
We all have our power.

the brain’s natural defense against the less intelligent.
So rare to see it in the wild.

me: no, i just dyed the tips invisible.
It’s the newest thing!
Better not start.

you could be used as a bad example.
Or a “before.”

where all the fun stuff happens.
Also, did you hear, we have cookies? So cool.

it’s like “what do you want this year? ”
idk, financial security?
a career?
a sense of purpose?
a nap would be nice.
Or maybe even an actual dinner that wasn’t in a microwave.

they still ask “are you sleeping? ”
“no, i’m training to die. ”
They won’t ask you questions again.

that’s your conscience talking.
What’s it saying? Listen.

i have no idea what i’m doing.
so long as you don’t end up dead,
hurt or in prison,
i’m going to call it a win.
Goals, people, goals.

It’s the best time machine ever.

1. A liar.
2. A liar that gets mad when you don’t believe the lies they are telling you.
But that’s their choice.

Remember that.

Sometimes you even outweird me.

so look both ways before you cross me.
Or you’ll learn.

“i could’ve eaten that. ”
That’s why I do it all with gusto!

I can’t drink right when I think..oh wait.

Go ahead and get the guac or fries as extra.

i’m always ready for bed.
Like, I can sleep right now.

Which one do you think wins?

i don’t use it for that.
Who does? Who really does?

but really i’m wandering through the house picking up random sh*t
while muttering to myself about “those f*ckers”.
They got stuff everywhere!

i ignored you just fine the first time.
I’m just continuing to do so.

Now people are judging me.

beautiful chocolate just one time.
Whatever it’s called, it’s delicious.

that high horse makes your a** look big.
Jump on down.

your child is 2.
I’m going to say I’m 360 months old.

we all know who is really a girl’s best friend.
yours sincerely,
chocolate cake.
Finally someone tells the truth. You won’t see that in an advertising campaign!

you’re my entertainment!
I’m loving it, btw.

whispering, “for f*ck’s sake”.
before answer to your name.
Then saying “What do they WANT now?”

what did the moron do now!?
Poor thing. She tries.