39 Funny Pictures That Will Make Your Day
39 Funny Pictures That Will Make Your Day.

Or a priest, because this looks unholy.

Get a couple of sticks and it could be a cabana!

Live your dreams, man.

Elsa, is that you? What are you up to now?

And figure out your situation with your x!

It waits…

Honestly Brenda, I’m feline like you don’t get it.

All I needed was to pikachu.

Actually, not a bad idea.

Don’t ass-ume he’s lazy though.

You really went all the way.

Squad 4 life.

This picture was taken 5 years into a 2 month project, wasn’t it?

A little light humor didn’t harm anyone.

They’ll look at you sheepishly!

I feel like you’ve interrupted a private moment.

Why didn’t I shave?!

He had his own version of a “bowl.”

Candy motivation is sweet motivation!

And over in the dishwashing liquid aisle, it’s the Dawn of a new day.

Write everything you can think of!

Or “school is still on!”

So did someone really need the sticker?

It’s my ongoing experiment.

That’s the #1 reason to be a teacher.

Not all heroes wear capes.

It was all so so beautiful…

Pretty fly for a wi-fi guy.

She looks she’s like got a Youtube beauty vlog.

Until the UN threw a wine party.

Lots of rabies.

You’re 5, you haven’t even begun to see tripping!

My summer plans are set.

You thought Game of Thrones was a competitive game. Try playing Monopoly with your mom.

Alice in Wonderland: 2017.

Oh hay! How are you? You sound a little horse?

Serves her right!
More funny pictures HERE.