40 Incredible Quotes Because Reading Them Makes You Wiser
Ancient philosophy speak for “Keepin’ it Real”.
One of the most incredible quotes that captures the importance of reflecting on your own life periodically.

We are not all given the same eyes,
because we are not all meant to see the same things.
this is how we learn.
-t. Nohlgren
A Wise quote to open your eyes to seeing things from other people’s perspectives.
Nor should you. Create your own, make magic.
Another example of incredible quotes to help you put things into perspective.

Sometimes, closure arrives years later.
long after you stopped searching for it.
you’re just sitting there, laughing this laugh
that is unapologetically yours.
as it trails off,
the corners of your mouth hug your face
and it hits you.
“i’m happy. ”
it’s just like that.
with no fanfare or epiphany.
suddenly, you are grateful for goodbyes that
carried you to this moment;
to the space you are now holding.
Wise words about how closure finds you and not the other way round.

The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
Wise quote to remind you of the importance of humility.
You can make it better.

Two things define you.
your patience when you have nothing,
and your attitude when you have everything.
How will you react?

Watch for the people whose eyes light up
when you talk about your dream.
those are the people you keep.
-elizabeth gilbert
They are the ones that matter.

Instead of wondering when your next vacation is,
maybe you should set up a life you don’t need to escape from.
–seth godin
One of the finest incredible quotes to help you live through the current pandemic.

Use things, not people.
love people, not things.
Simple but wise.

The past is finished. Learn from it and let it go.
the future is not even here yet. Plan for it, but do not waste your time worrying about it.
worrying is worthless.
when you stop ruminating about what has already happened,
when you stop worrying about what might never happen,
then you will be in the present moment.
then you will begin to experience the joy in life.
–brian weiss
You deserve so much joy.

Essentially, over the years,
i have learned this truth:
if i am feeling stuck in life,
then i can be certain it is because
i’m afraid of something,
and i just haven’t faced it yet.
-elizabeth gilbert
Fear can be inspirational.

Sometimes, you find yourself in the middle of nowhere,
and sometimes, in the middle of nowhere,
you find yourself.
Does it seem like that’s true?

May all your trails be crooked,
leading to the most amazing view.
The climb is often worth the view.

Say yes. Whatever it is,
say yes with your whole heart
& simple as it sounds,
that’s all the excuse life needs
to grab you by the hands
& start to dance.
-brian andreas
Say yes to everything you want.

Don’t mix bad words with your bad mood.
you’ll have many opportunities to change your mood,
but you’ll never get the opportunity to replace the words you spoke…
Learn to heed your words with incredible quotes like this.

One of the best lessons you can learn in life
is to master how to remain calm.
It’s not always easy.

People are prettiest when they talk about
something they really love with passion
in their eyes. -k. V. H.
Love your passion. Believe in it.

Never misuse the one who likes you,
never say busy to the one who needs you,
never cheat the one who really trusts you,
never forget the one who always remembers you.
Wise quote to remind you to treat people right.

The more you are in a state of gratitude,
the more you will attract things to be grateful for.
Believe you will get it.

Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything.
maybe it’s about unbecoming everything that isn’t really you,
so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.
As you go through the journey, you might not realize this.

Love is a feeling,
not a decision.
You either feel it or you don’t.

To keep the one you have,
treat them like you don’t have them yet.
Make them want to stay.

If there’s even a slight chance at getting
something that will make you happy,
risk it.
life’s too short, and happiness is too rare.
-a. R. Lucas
Take that risk.

I am out with lanterns,
looking for myself.
-emily dickison
I’ll let you know when I do.

When i run after what i think i want,
my days are a furnace of stress and anxiety;
if i sit in my own place of patience,
what i need flows to me, and without pain.
from this i understand that what i want also wants me,
is looking for me and attracting me.
there is a great secret here for anyone who can grasp it.
Wise quote about the importance of patience.

Forgive yourself for not knowing
what you didn’t know before you learned it.
The purpose of life is to educate yourself.

Find happiness in ordinary things.
and keep your sense of humor.
-boyd k. Packer
Powerful and incredible quotes that help you stay grounded.

Every situation in life is temporary.
so when life is good,
make sure you enjoy and receive it fully.
and when life is not so good,
remember that it will not last forever
and better days are on their way.
-jenni young
Even this is temporary.

You don’t drown by falling in the water.
you drown by staying there.
Wise quote about taking action when facing adversity.

Don’t explain your philosophy.
embody it.
Actions speaking louder than words is the essence of this incredible quote.

The most dangerous weapon of a warrior is his mind!
-kaustav ram
What will you do with your mind?

The moment you change your perception,
is the moment you rewrite the chemistry of your body.
-dr. Bruce lipton
An incredible quote about the power of positive thinking.

Calm your mind.
life becomes much easier when you keep your mind at peace.
Calmness is a weapon few have.

Breaking someone’s trust is like crumpling up a perfect piece of paper.
you can smooth it over but it’s never going to be the same again.
Incredible quote to remind you not to break someone’s trust.

If your daily life seems poor,
do not blame it;
blame yourself that you are not poet enough to call forth its riches.
for the creative, there is no poverty.
They live as they live.

Always be pure, kind and honest.
Simple incredible quote to live by.