Cinco de Mayo Memes
Cinco de Mayo is a celebration of Mexico’s victory against a larger French force back on 5th of May 1862. So why is it a larger celebration in the US than in Mexico? Well prior to the last few years where Americans started entertaining the idea of building walls across the US-Mexico border, Mexico and the US enjoyed strong relationships. From trade to cultural, Mexican-American relationship forms an integral part of American identity. Of course, that still doesn’t explain why it’s Cinco de Mayo is celebrated more in the US than in Mexico. The reason for this is ALCOHOL. Apparently, beer and wine companies pounced on Cinco de Mayo as an excellent holiday to promote the drinking aspect of Mexican Culture. As a result, alcohol sales on Cinco de Mayo, or 5th of May, rival the alcohol sales during the Super Bowl! Well enough history lesson, enjoy these Cinco de Mayo Memes, while you pour back some Corona Beers.

Can’t argue with that.

That’s so interesting…

Cultural knowledge of most people celebrating Cinco de Mayo.

Cinco de Mayo is about Mexico?

I repeat… Cinco de Mayo is about Mexico???

I’ll drink to that!

I thought it was about getting drunk and waking up in a stranger’s home?

Building that wall.

Of course, need to stock up on this stuff before building the wall…

And here’s the arch enemy.

You drink right?

Same difference!

That would be New Mexico?

Why beat around the bush.

Yeah. what’s this Mayo stuff?

Drink up!

Drink up till you wake up!

Now that’s a match made in heaven.