Hot Cars and Dogs Don’t Mix

Image: nbc news
Keeping a dog in a hot car during the summer is abuse—plain and simple. Not only do car temperatures increase super quickly when in direct sunlight but they can exceed temperatures of 130 to 172 degrees. This could easily kill a dog within minutes. So, when an animal rescue in New Jersey received a call about puppies trapped in a van, they didn’t hesitate to come to the rescue.
Trapped with No Air

Image: patch
It was a hot day in New Jersey when a local animal rescue was called about several French and English bulldog puppies trapped in a van with no air conditioning running. Can you believe anyone would do such a thing?
A Sweltering Day

Image: university corporation
According to the North Jersey Weather Observers, the neighboring city of Lodi was actually breaching the high 90s in terms of temperature. Animal welfare officials had stressed during the summer months to never leave pets in the car due to how fast temperatures can rise.
Rescue on the Move

Image: usa today
The animal rescue quickly kicked into gear and made their way to a Walmart parking lot where the van was located. Inside, they could see the puppies panting from dehydration. Time was of the essence, especially since French and English bulldogs tend to have quite a few respiratory problems.
Breaking into the Van

Image: mysocialpet. It
Working swiftly, the rescue volunteers were able to breach the van and what they saw was shocking. There weren’t just a few puppies…but dozens crammed into the back of the vehicle. Who could do such a thing?
26 Little Puppies Trapped

Image: people. Com
The Bergen County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals confirmed that there were 26 French and English bulldog puppies in crates in the van. One-by-one they were brought out of the stifling heat and into the arms of a rescue worker.
Severely Dehydrated and Near Death

Image: cbs new york
The puppies were severely dehydrated and water bottles were quickly dispensed to provide them with some cool water. The poor babies lapped it up quickly, their tiny little bodies desperately needing to cool down.
Investigation Launched
As the puppies were being rescued, the local SPCA arrived on the scene to launch an investigation into the issue after witnesses reported that someone was actually attempting to sell the puppies from the back of the van earlier. How could anyone be so heartless to these precious babies?
Illegal Puppy Trade

Image: the odyssey online
With more evidence piling up, the owner of the van was tracked down and it was revealed that the puppies had been flown in from Colombia. The man was planning to travel to Florida where the pups would be placed in local pet shops.
Shady Business Practices

Image: christen-fuer-tiere. De
Over the past few years, the illegal pet trade has become a booming business for highly sought after purebred dogs. French and English bulldogs, in particular, are on the top of the list due to their pedigree and the fact they sell anywhere from $3,500 to $6,000.
The Truth About Puppy Mills

Image: puppy mills blogger
According to local officials, the puppies are bred in puppy mills where they are kept in horrible conditions and usually have more health problems due to over-breeding. These unhealthy dogs are then flown into the country and then transported to pet shops across the nation.
Stay Away from Major Pet Shops

Image: retail and restaurant
One popular pet shop chain, Petland, has been known to source their animals from puppy mills, which has led to many 1-star reviews online because the puppies actually die within days of being sold. Not the best business practice, that’s for sure. Thankfully, these precious pups would be spared such a fate.
Transported to a Local Shelter

Image: clasificados. Com
The 26 puppies were immediately transported to the local shelter. Director Debbie Yankow told reporters that, while the puppies were under 24-hour observation, they were doing okay–however, if they had been left in the van for much longer they would have probably all died.
Scared and Confused

Image: pinterest
Animal behavioral specialist Corey Cohen added that the situation must have been extremely stressful on the puppies due to their young age. According to his research, young puppies are extremely impressionable in the months after they are born and can develop stress sensitivity in such situations.
Rescued in the Nick of Time

Image: rooter tech
Thankfully, these sweet babies were rescued from a horribly hot fate, just in time, thanks to the kindness of the rescue volunteers. Now, they just have to wait to be adopted and find their forever-homes. We believe there are going to be 26 happily-ever-afters coming up soon!