Hilarious Corona Virus Toilet Paper Hoarding Memes
As the corona virus (a.k.a COVID19) grips everyone’s attention with an iron fist, normally sane people resort to the only way they know how to protect themselves. Hoarding toilet paper. For unknown reasons, as people go through their mental list of things to stockpile during a crisis, toilet paper ranks above food and medicine. Being experts at humor but not in psychology, we do what we can to try to alleviate this situation. By producing Corona Virus Toilet Paper Hoarding memes.
Don’t forget to check out other funny corona virus memes!

Just bidet.

Forward thinking man.

Cos you never know when you might run out.

Must have toilet paper…

This stockpile should protect me.

Fake news.

Self isolation necessities?
If the supermarkets in your area are all out of toilet paper, you can check out our reviews of bidets. Alternatively, checkout our declutter and DIY toilet paper post to find out how to make your own toilet paper from unused stuff around your house and declutter your home at the same time!