How To Get Permission To Hunt Private Land
No I’m not going to teach you how to hop fences, or bypass gates. This is how to legitimately get permission to hunt private land. It’s not hard, there is nothing special about this, if you want to get permission to hunt private land just ask. Generally it all normally boils down to being polite and respectful, and not being a turd. Private land sometimes offers some of the best hunting and fishing, and you generally won’t have to put up with stuff like this. If you want to hunt private land, just ask – but ask like a man. Be respectful, shake the land owners hand, be honest with the land owner, you could even volunteer to help out with projects on the land. You never get a second chance to make a first impression right? Below is a excerpt of an article that lists a few things you as a hunter can do to build a positive and working relationship with a land owner.

How to get permission to hunt private land
Tips On How To Get Permission To Hunt Private Land
Do not show up on their doorstep in the early hours of the morning to ask for permission for that day – definitely not a good way to start your relationship. Pay a visit to their house many days before you plan to hunt to look them in the eye, shake their hand, and introduce yourself. First impressions are the best impressions, but you only get one shot at that.
Respect their rules! If they ask you not to drive in their fields or walk through their crops, then follow their rules. Land owners will be left with a bad taste in their mouths if anyone blatantly disregards common courtesies that may mess with their livelihoods. We have all heard stories about gates being left open only to have land owners chasing livestock because of a simple neglect of common sense. Don’t be that person!
Be honest. If you say you are hunting turkey, then hunt for those gobblers only. If you plan on bringing a friend, let the landowner know. The quickest way to “get the boot” off of private property is to not be truthful to the owner.
Work for your permission. Is the landowner putting up new fencing? Painting his house? Working on equipment? Offer to lend a hand. Nothing goes farther than an offer of free labor. Even though its hard work, you gain the owners respect, and you can scout at the same time! A win, win situation for all.
Send a thank you note. A handwritten thank you goes farther than some think. It shows that you took the time to write them a personal thank you, and could gain you a leg up for the next time you would like to hunt on their land.
Share your wealth! A bag of fresh game is a nice gesture and a great way to gain a working relationship.
Via – SportsmensAlliance
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