Top 10 2020 African Dust Storm Meme
As if we needed another reminder from mother nature as to who’s boss, the latest is a dust storm of biblical proportions blowing across the Atlantic from the Sahara Desert. This is truly a historic weather phenomenon as most dust storms from the Sahara are usually fully dispersed by the time it reaches the ocean. This being 2020 however, of course an unusual convergence of weather systems and a stronger than normal East African Jet stream conspired to form powerful conveyor belt for this plume of dust to cross over to the western hemisphere. It’s not all bad news though, dust from the Sahara are known to provide much needed nutrients to plants and animals in the Amazon. Unfortunately for us humans, the small PM10 particles of sand can cause respiratory problems. Luckily, supply constrains on masks have now abated so if everyone starts wearing them because of the dust storm, this apocalyptic looking dust storm may help to combat the spread of corona? Well one thing we do know for sure is that it’s inspired a few 2020 African Dust Storm Memes so you can share a laugh or two (indoors of course).

Orange walkers?

Prepared for anything after COVID-19

This will finally get people wearing those face masks!

African Dust Bunny 1 : Vacuum Cleaner 0

Didn’t they get the memo? No more sand!

It’s coming!

So that’s what they meant by second wave.

Guess it’s time to shake things up!