15 Funny Clean Valentines Jokes You’ll Want to Share With Your Friends
There’s truth to the saying that laughter is the best medicine. Scientists say that laughter gives us a dose of oxytocin, which is a feel good hormone that lead to a positive attitude and stronger bonds with those you love. For tough times and special occasions, share a few of these jokes with your friends and loved ones and give yourself that natural high!
Please be warned, some of these jokes are so bad, that they’ll make you laugh at how bad they are.

Well that joke totally stinks!

And here’s a baaaaaa-d joke.

Not melon-choly no more.

Well that ran out of steam fast…

This joke is so bad I almost spaghetti my coffee out.

I had e-muffin of these bad jokes.

You butter get outta here before I shut you up!

Cupid should stick with his day job.

If he keeps telling jokes like this, him desserting you will be the best thing for you!

Well I’m about to purrrrr-ge my stomach at how bad these are!

You’re gonna get a Valentine whoopass, if you don’t stop these jokes!

Good thing he didn’t give her an S & M & S.

I’ll be barfing meatballs in a minute!

A truer word has never been spoken.

I’ll bet he did!
Click here for some funnier short stories for your boyfriend and here for some funny short stories for your girlfriend!