20 Clever and Easy DIY Halloween Costumes

Make a DIY Halloween corn cob costume for adults and kids!

Whip up a spider crown in minutes

Or make a medusa headband

This literally takes 15 minutes if you have to run to the store for supplies. What could be easier when it comes to a DIY Halloween costume?

What about going as the Kermit meme? Epic.

Alvin, Simon, and Theodore! Make a group costume with this easy DIY Halloween tutorial.

A ketchup and mustard costume is just the thing for those last-minute Halloween ideas

Love cereal? Make it your costume — become a walking cereal bowl complete with fruit loops

Let’s taco about this amazing DIY Halloween costume!

Not much skill is needed for this DIY snail costume, and it’s perfect for all ages

Feeling crafty? Tackle the DIY Halloween queen of hearts family set

Here’s another family costume set: DIY Care Bears Halloween costumes

For $15, you can create a quick Ash Ketchum from Pokemon costumeÂ

Why not add Pikachu and Pichu to the pack? These are quick DIY costumes too

Love Stranger Things? Be Barb and Eleven! Don’t forget the Eggos.

You love the song, now wear the costume. Daddy Shark, Mommy Shark, and Baby Shark

90’s movie Beetlejuice is still chic and there’s nothing better than this DIY scary costume of the main characters

Let your pet into the Halloween fun with this adorable DIY seal costume

Flipping your fins can get you far with this Flounder costume

With Toy Story Land opened up in Disney World, it’s the perfect time for you to make a Woody costume complete with pull string

You can’t say no to this adorable skunk costume