23 Hilarious Funny Church Signs

Adam & eve
the first people to not read the apple
terms & conditions.
Should’ve never clicked “agree.”

Lent is coming –
get your ash in church!
They got jokes that will make you laugh your ash off.

Blah blah blah
just come to church

God shows no favoritism
but our sign guy does –
go cubs!
And yes he did.

He is divine
we are dibranches.

Bring your sin to the altar
and drop it like it’s hot.
Still works.
These one is pretty clever.
There if you need them.

Our church is like fudge
sweet with a few nuts.
It’s all churches, right?

Whoever stole our ac units…
keep one it is hot where you’re going.

Don’t give up
moses was once a basket case.

I wish noah had swatted those two mosquitoes.

With all this rain,
we need an ark. Fear not!
(wait for it…)
we noah guy!
Oh Noah you didn’t.

Prayer: the only call the government can’t hear.

What do you call a sleepwalking nun?
a roamin’ catholic.
Even the Catholics got puns.

Seven days without prayer
makes one weak.

Too hot to keep changing sign.
sin bad jesus good.
details inside.
You get the point.

Under same mgmt.
2000 years.
building slightly newer.
Nicely done.

A long time ago
in a galilee far far away…
Star War memes meet Church signs.

Noah was a brave man to sail in a wooden boat with two termites.
Honestly, he was.

What part of “thou shall not” don’t you understand?
Probably a lot.

Wrinkled with burdens?
come to church for a faith lift.
Faith lift.

Walmart is not the only saving place.
Saving souls, dropping sins.