25 Hilarious Pictures for Any 90’s Kid That Are Fly

Ruined the whole thing!

Always forget.

You just sank in it like jelly.

Dude, didn’t you read the sticker? “Be Kind, Rewind!”

Missing the old school Disney store, but yep!

Choosing a song took forever.

Ugh, I’m old.

I Spy!

Check out my new LA Lights!

Look, they had to tape it.

Pretty much. Maybe add some Number Muncher in there.

Should’ve rewound!


You get it.

What was going on?!

It was glorious.


Got all of them.

Get them all. They’re going to be worth a fortune.

What a misfortune.

Always looking around after an episode.

Me, an intellectual.

It’s going down. Gremlins 2, ya’ll.