30 Amazing Memes About Pets and Animals

A mans best friend

Gotta love puns

HAHAHA this is what happens when you leave the dog alone at home


They found his stash

Lol well don’t mind if I do

who else wants a swan hug

hahaha Guilty

Look at those big eyes!

hahaha, Garfield?

Look it up! this is a new style lol

Awwww he is adorable!

lol the 3rd and 4th horsemen are the weirdest by far

Only crazy people call instead of texting

this looks exactly like a Kpop album cover

This is definitely what the dog sees lol

I am definitely enjoying this lol

Always believe !

Haha cuteness overload

I love it!

LOL thas definitely what it seems like

Good boy

This is lowkey terrifying lol

You’re the only one not calm!

hahaha Cats are so dramatic

Doggo to the rescue

LOL you have no choice but to commit

This is so cute!

#Savages !

Fish Popsicle