30 Extremely Funny Memes For Parents

Children are never happy lol

RIP to the peace and quiet

hahaha children just become picky eaters

a parent’s worst nightmare

Rather this than letting it all go to waste lol

Baby gets a taste of the real world

parent paranoia lol

these bubbles never last lol

These parents deserve an award

hahaha the Wife has had enough

Pure chaos

hahaha so annoying

When adults get the chance to be adults again

haha they see him on repeat


this is something you just. need to accept as a parent lol

I would get so angry!

no more Mr nice guy

lol true

seems pretty accurate

I would straight up just laugh

WOAH she took it too far

“Tell them you’re 6 !’

hahaha this would be me

grandparents do this because they know they don’t need to put the kids to bed lol


“lol, what did you just say! “

I would lose my mind lol

they’re lowkey ungrateful smh

LOL I would hide in the bathroom