32 Friday Memes for Anyone Who Wishes it Was Friday and Work Was Over

Hold on, boss, I’m just finishing that report.

Is it lunchtime yet?

You’re just someone in the office to me. By the way, that’s not a good thing.

I almost got blown up, but don’t worry, the work will be done!

At least I didn’t have the drink at work. I should get credit for that.

What a fun long day and exhausting commute. I can’t wait to do it tomorrow!

Your dreams will soon die, child.

I have a low supply of energy for stupidity, don’t exhaust it.

Somehow I’m going to make it through though.

You know you’ll miss me. I’m EVERYTHING to you.

I’m so glad I came in five minutes early to allow myself a breakdown before work.

Like, what do you expect from me?

“I’m trapped in a void and I’ll never escape!” – me every day at noon

But I have to work to afford the cupcake and other food.. it’s a trap!

Ah yes. Overwhelming sadness was setting in, and I was contemplating leaving again.

Well, the only way this week can go from here is up!
Me at Wednesday, 2 pm: *same thing happens*

We can hate our job and work together!

AHAHAHAAA. Also…um…they don’t suspect me, do they?

I tried to like it. I did.

It’s the song that never ends…

Who turned the clock back?!

I’m sorry, I can’t focus on you right now, I’m busy hating my situation.

I hope that’s okay with you, boss.


So I’ll see you…never.

But I don’t want to!

Why won’t you stay? We could be so happy!

Sometimes my evil side has a good point.

I’m just as happy as can be, Marge.

Nothing goes right for me! Why upset the status quo?!

I’m just going to pretend that it’s all good.