35 Great Painted Rock Ideas Easy Enough For Kids

Even black and white can be a gorgeous painted rock.

Uh…we’re in a pickle here for ideas.

Black and white cats always have style.

A serene pond scene is a beauty on a set of painted rocks.

She’s dropping hearts wherever she goes.

A beautiful ballerina is a sweet design on this painted rock.

That’s one way to use a broken rock.

The pretty peacock is very detailed but is an amazing image.

A set of delicate trees cover these painted rocks.

Look at the keyhole of possibility.

A positive message is a example of great painted rock ideas easy enough for kids.

How about an adorable bunny for the beginner?

Just in time for Valentine’s Day, here comes some candy hearts!

Disney painted rocks are wonderful, especially these rocks with Maleficent in both of her forms.

Here’s an homage to the Disney princesses.

It’s a bouquet of heart rocks.

Here’s more cheer with some painted rocks.

Your favorite minions are in jail! Some great painted rock ideas easy enough for kids to do and they’ll have a creation they’ll love!

Use some glow-in-the-dark paint to make a dazzling rock like this.

It’s an octopus of fun here!

What about a majestic celestial scene?

A lovely bird image is perfect.

How about the majesty of a koi fish?

Inspiring advice.

Everyone is hippo crazy these days.

Foxes are great creatures for a painted rock.

Here’s just one idea for a Rick and Morty rock.

Jawas are less popular on painted rocks, but still neat.

Up we go with this Up-themed rock.

Aren’t the Beatles just starry-eyed?

The Arlen crew is all here.

Well blow me down, it’s Popeye!

Come meat our family.

Hedwig and the adorable rock.

Love birds, or well, love owls.