Best Top Gun Memes to Tide You Over Till Top Gun 2: Maverick
Top Gun: Maverick, the long awaited sequel to the cult movie Top Gun, was supposed to be released on Jun 24 2020. Unfortunately due to COVID19 and government mandating closure of movie theaters, Paramount Pictures made the decision to delay the release of the Top Gun sequel till December 24th 2020. While it’s going to miss being the big summer blockbuster, a Christmas release still holds the promise of earning some healthy box office receipts. For die hard Top Gun fans that have been waiting 34 years for Top Gun 2, 6 more months is just too much. So the editors at decided to come up with some Top Gun Memes to entertain you while you wait for Top Gun: Maverick.

I know your mind wants to go there… just don’t.

Ice man wants the glory all for himself that’s all…

How much longer must we wait?

That’s definitely less than 1.5 meters!

Talk about pent up frustration 34 years!!

Gyms are closed, shelter in place…what did you expect?

This just ain’t gonna fly in 2020…

Death by powerpoint… that’s dangerous.

My thoughts exactly.

Yes he did… and proud of it!

Maybe I should only tell blind people I’m a pilot.

It’s been a long 34 years!