Carole Baskin Memes So Funny You’ll Choke On Your Frosted Flakes
If you’ve come to this page, it’s probably because you’ve watched the TigerKing on Netflix and you wanna see more. Also, I’ll bet you’ve got your own opinion on whether Carole Baskin murdered her ex-husband and fed him to her tigers. Well, whatever your opinions may be, here are a few jokes that’s setting the internet on fire. Check out our collection of Carole Baskin memes.

The TigerKing doesn’t believe those eyes?

Who would choose to be in quarantine house /
quarantine cage number 2?

Carole putting her free labor interns to work.

Dear Carole advice column.

Tony the Tiger says they’re GRRRRR-EAT!

The case has gone cold, he may have drowned.

The age of innocence.