15 Funny Divorce Memes about Bill & Melinda Gates
All of us have been struggling with seeing the same person day in day out, with lock down, social distancing and WFH. You can say that Covid has been a true test of relationships. While being stuck in a shoebox size apartment with the same people day in day out can get on your nerves, looks like it can also apply to being stuck in a 66,000 sqft. mansion with all the comforts of modern technology available to man. After 27 years of marriage, one of which was under COVID lockdown, Bill & Melinda Gates have announced their divorce. Neither Bill nor Melinda seem too bummed by the announcement (you’ll see why in the funny divorce memes below), so why not check out these funny divorce memes at their expense!

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Rolling in it.

Reflecting on life choices 27 years ago…

Let’s throw a Royal Family Meme into the mix…

Welcome to the 12 Figure Divorcee club. My girlfriend’s got some hot girlfriends I can introduce you to!

How about some Broke AF memes that you can actually relate to instead?

The lawyers always win.

And to think this all started with a virus named after a beer…

Taken down a notch.

Life lessons.

You da man… no you da man…

All the signs were there… she wanted an iPhone for Christmas… not a Windows phone.

It’s for the kids.

Looks like Bill Gates won’t be feeling lonely anytime soon…