Funny Pictures Of The Day

But glad they didn’t call me a mini skunk horse.

Enjoy them while they last…

For short people, this is one thing that doesn’t change with age…

And to banks for only lending money to those that don’t need it!

That’s why LOL and TLDR was invented.

Money Money Money Money….

Evolution moving too fast…

The good old days before Roombas…

And hunger…

Monday Morning Pop Quiz.

Don’t believe everything you see on TV…

Knowledge is power…

Coffee believes in you.

That’s one constipated cat.

The pizza was calling my name…

Mark Zuckerberg should be flattered…

The betrayal!

Jurassic Front Porch.

Instinctively true.

Mighty Mouse!

Cat-egorical Disapproval.

How do you say no?