Lock Down Memes Self Isolation Memes
Governments around the world are quickly moving to lock down their population. Unfortunately many people refuse to comply with self isolation orders from the government resulting in crackdowns. Authorities are declaring stricter measures with each passing day. In the spirit of compliance, the editors of thefunnybeaver.com fully support following government recommendations. Also, we are actively working to provide entertainment in the form of lock down memes and self isolation memes for those working from home. If you’re stuck at home, please enjoy them. If the memes start becoming a little too real… get help now. But online of course.

Sign language tells it straight.

Do you get the feeling that we’re on reality TV?

Those were the days!

Nope, did not bother to wear a shirt.

I think I forgot to eat.

The world has gotten even smaller in 2020… Thanks to globalization!


Today I celebrate my Independence Day!

Been prepping for this my entire life.

Securing my food supply.