Funny Riot Memes – Releasing Some Pent Up Anger
There sure seems to be a lot of pent up anger and frustration at the moment. Months of no gyms, hair cuts or eating at restaurants, all the while trying to homeschool your kids have really gotten onto everyone’s nerves. What start off as a protest against racism for the killing of George Floyd by a white police officer has exploded into looting, rioting and general chaos. If ever you needed something to escape reality, now is the time. Check out these funny riot memes that we’ve found on the internet to blow off steam in a less destructive manner.

That’s one way to take my mind off the Corona Virus!

Fast Fashion in 2020. It’s hard to keep up!

It’s the land of opportunity after all!

Love in a time of war.

It’s time to call in the big guns.

Gerard Butler… Where are you?

Not so fast!

Right and wrong according to Hank Hill.

Take it from George… the man knows.

Never thought anyone would wish for lockdowns again…

Those were the days.