20 Inspiring Disney Quotes And you should live the adventure. Every day!
Are you brave enough? You know you are!
They do come true, in small ways an...
27 Inspiring Quotes for When You Came to Sass and Kick A$$
Who's the most sassiest and fiercest of them all?
Let me show you how the game is played.
30 Quotes Your Soul Will Love
The world needs it. They might even rub off on you.
Will you believe? What will you do with this wonderful life and your bel... Read More...
33 of the Funniest Minion Quotes and Pictures
And honestly, I'll probably keep doing it again.
This is PURE evil.
What? What chores? Who? They suddenly...
Funny Summer Solstice Memes
Today is officially the longest day of the year. Although summer solstice normally occurs on the 21st of June, this year is s... Read More...
33 Quotes for Any #GirlBoss or #BossBabe
If you know you aren't meant to be average, why are you living like you are? Go further, try harder.
It's okay to...