Funny Summer Solstice Memes
Today is officially the longest day of the year. Although summer solstice normally occurs on the 21st of June, this year is slightly different because of the cover-19… just kidding. It’s different because of the elliptical shape of earth’s orbit which causes the earth’s speed to vary when traveling around the sun. Many cultures celebrate the summer solstice with fire and dance rituals. The Druids even built gigantic stone structures in England known as the Stonehenge. We at the funny beaver celebrate by creating and collecting some specially made summer solstice memes to mark the longest day of the year. Happy Summer Solstice!

The power of Stonehenge clearly transcends time.

For all those haters out there.

Glass half empty kind of gal…

It was celebrated as an anti-religious holiday you know?

I guess what’s the point right?

Brace yourselves!