Top Corporate Logo Makeovers For the Post Corona World
With the world economy grinding to a halt amid social distancing, home quarantine and school closures, large corporations are facing a bleak outlook. When times are bad, corporations often take the opportunity for restructuring, and have a corporate makeover. Designer Jure Tovrljan has done a great job in giving these multinationals ideas for their Corporate Logo Makeovers. Enjoy.

Keep a safe distance!

Good luck drinking that coffee.

NBA Players working from home.

Just don’t.

Cos I can’t drive anywhere.

Cos everyone’s not just Linkedin anymore.

Because we can’t be what we used to be.

Amazon’s definitely looking.

2020 in 1 word.

Maybe Table tennis?

Need we say more? Check out these host of memes all based on Corona.

Gotta give it to them, they’ve always stayed inside…

Youtube doesn’t want to rub in the “play” no more.

Cos we ain’t booking, that’s fo’ sure.

If you could do all your clothes shopping at home but can only wear these clothes at home, I’ll bet you’re fed up too!