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Why would anyone NOT want to turn their pickup into a little semi truck? That’s all I’m sayin.

Meet Lil Big Rig. Bob Suffern is the owner of Lil Big Rig and his shop is down in Nashville Tennessee. Lil Big Rig builds conversion kits (and complete trucks) that can transform your pickup truck into a miniature semi truck. The Lil Big Rig kits range anywhere from $12,000 – $27,000 and it takes about eight weeks for your mini semi truck conversion kit to be built. You can check out the Lil Big Rig kits here. After this check out this crazy 4×4 fire truck.

A TRUCKING enthusiast has created his very own micro-machines by shrinking the traditional American big rig down to the size of a pick up. Bob Suffern and his all female team specialise in creating the miniature trucks for fans across the world. Bob, originally from Melbourne, Australia, came up with the idea in 1999, and has been selling the kits since 2003. Unusually, the truck customisation business in Nashville, Tennessee, has an all-female workforce.

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