21 Funny Food Quotes for Anyone Who Loves Food

I’m not overweight.
i’m just 9 inches too short.
-shelley winters

I can’t go on. I’ve got to eat something.

That’s it. That’s friendship.

The humanity. So many wasted brownies.

I can’t stop loving you eating.
Fixed it.

I’m on a diet
i’m on a diet
i’m on a diet
omg chocolate
I was there for a bit.

Perfect has 7 letters.
so does foooood.
i think not.
Remember this!

I only eat in three places:
here, there, and everywhere!
-daniel l. Worona
All the places.

3 words, 8 letters
say it and i’m yours.
i got food.
Music to my ears.

There’s going to be food?
okay, i’ll come.
I’m halfway there.

– friend
– bestfriend
– boyfriend
– girlfriend
– food
only food has no end…
The riddle has been solved.

Pros and cons of making food
pros: food
cons: making.
Then the dishes.

How about we take this to the bedroom…
…i whispered to my snacks.

They say we should be eating more raw foods.
that’s all i needed to hear to whip up another
batch of cookie dough.

Really cute story
-boy: hey
-girl doesn’t say anything
-boy: i really like u
-girl doesn’t say anything
-boy: ok, i love u
-girl still isn’t sayin’ nothing!
-boy: and i never wanna let u go
-girl remains silent.
-boy kisses girl
-boy eats girl
-girl was doritos the whole time.
Doritos love everyone.

My relationship with junk food…

That feeling you get in your stomach when you see him food.
All fluttery.

A party without cake
is just a meeting.
Boring meeting.

How i cut carbs…
Slice ’em up.

I just want to do bad things with carbs.
Is that so wrong?