22 Funny Quotes That Will Make You Laugh

So this is my purpose in life. When’s my first mission?

There could be no warning signs either.

I mean I’d surely notice an alien in my house..or so I’d like to think. Is that what is part of “Keeping it together”?

You should be so lucky to see me.

You’re a porcupine and a cactus rolled in one…one prickly person.

It’s my one true talent.

There, that’s my secret. I believe in transparency.

Don’t forget a comfortable bed.

Can we start the day a little later? Say…2 P.M.?

“It wasn’t me just being irrational!” I realize with relief.

Too bad they can’t cancel themselves out.

Yeah, enjoy your stupid morning, bird.

You’re the only one I can count on.

Never can be too prepared.

Me and the brain have this under control.

But..at least I got up.

Like, go faster!

It’s just you and me against the world.

I’m here for you.

So that’s why my stomach is like that!