23 Minions Quotes to Crack You Up

Are you still checking?

Don’t expect takeoff anytime soon.

Remember that we’re also really good at cleaning up messes.

We wouldn’t even need to drive!

Oh well. Can’t waste time looking for it.

You should admire my dedication.

Again, oh well.

Or you want to be me.

Caps lock don’t scare me!

You should worry when I get quiet.. it may be the 6th time.

Quit making withdrawals!

So true.

Right? I mean it’s essential. It should be on the school supply list.

So ducking rude.

I shouldn’t have to tell you to grow up.

That shocks them!

Please stand by for maintenance.

I’m waiting!

Now my hangovers have hangovers.

I’m just going to have them select “location: from the grave”

They don’t know how lucky they are.

Hope they’re prepared.