31 Funny Dank Memes to Make You Spit Out Your Coffee


Oh music puns.

So bamboozled.

Make some beautiful belgian waffles yourself here!

Yeah, yeah, I said I was going to get it but… *look*

Do all the things that aren’t the essay.

Um, a little too much removing.

Breakfast fails meets funny dank memes for your breakfast.

Hold it in, hold it in!

Rest, hahaha! Rest!

But he was Mozart.
How’s that for fire?

This is the worst thing ever.

OMG, yes yes yes!

Just holding ya close.

That cat looks betrayed.

Or turn it up for other people’s chewing.

It was a feat.

They’ll never know.


This is natural.


Checks out.

Let it burn.

It was so awful but it wasn’t this cold.

We’re doomed.

Such an oddity.

What is going on in Canada?

Nailed it.

Just surfing the internet looking for people to respond to..