32 Jason Collier Memes So Funny He’d Want to Date Them

Once you fall down the Jason Collier rabbit hole, there’s no turning back. You just looking for more updates and new girlfriends. And of course, you try to find all of the Jason Collier memes.

Jason juggled all of that, even the coffee makers. Of course, he needed caffeine – he had 2838383 girlfriends and a wife.

Jason Collier was taken down by Cecily in a Facebook review. Legendary!

And then the cards eventually began to fall. Thanks to Cecily! She came in like a wrecking ball.

If you live in Stinnett, Texas, you may run into Jason Collier. You could be the next girlfriend!

“This shouldn’t happen! Oh no, now they have found another one!”

For now, but the year is young.

Jason has 99 problems and all of them are because he cheats on his wife.

Oh no. OH NO.

Is there truly an answer? Do we know?

Things didn’t go according to plan for Jason, did they?

Any day now. He’ll make it official. Or it’ll be a cold day in hell!

Scandal or drama breaks, we make some memes. And Jason Collier memes are hilarious.

There is absolutely a difference between single and Jason Collier’s version of “single.”

And he will ask again!

Wait, women talk? To each other?!

Jason wants to have all of the women.

The Internet was waiting for you, Jason! The Jason Collier memes spread like wildfire.

How about 20 more?

How did he keep up with all of this?

This is some grade-A drama too.

Wait, which one?

How many rings did he buy? Must have had a good discount at Jared.

Oh, there’s plenty to see there!

The newest attraction for Stinnet, Texas.

All his exes live in Texas.

Take it or leave it. There’s no way she could ever find about it!

Are you kidding? He had a stockpile of engagement rings.

Jason Collier memes are taking over the Internet and we’re here for it.

Just what kind of excuse do you give?

It might be easier to ask “Who hasn’t been victimized by Jason Collier?”

I’d watch it. You know you would too.