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33 of the Funniest Minion Quotes and Pictures

Minion Better

And honestly, I’ll probably keep doing it again.

Minion Charger

This is PURE evil.

Minion Chores

What? What chores? Who? They suddenly pretend they’re from another planet and they have no idea what I’m talking about or who I even am!

Minion Dancingringtone

Don’t you love that boogie!

Minion Deadbody

I can do this on the Law and Order shows all day.

Minion Farts

Go me! I deserve a medal.

Minion Hairstyles

And it doesn’t cost me a cent!

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Minion Firealarm

Oh hey, look the fire department is here to add their support too!

Minion Knives

Let’s hope it wasn’t a first date!

Minion Look

I mean, that takes effort, and I’m kind of feeling no effort right now.

Minion Madeofmoney

They got you there.

Minion Needmoney


Quick, give me some and help my cause!


Minion Noconcept

Or how to close a fridge door.

Minion Patience

I’d lose 10 lbs a day!

Minion Phonelost

Wait, where is it?! This happens daily.

Minion Remote

The good old days weren’t so good back in the days of no remote!

Minion Sequeldream

Come on, brain, let’s go back to the happy place.

Minion Stresshighlights

And I have a lot of them, thank you!

Minion SmuggleStart bribing them now.
Minion Toilet

Seriously. And why at the Charmin bears so fixated on toilet paper?

Minion Vodka

It will be like Cocoon but better.

Minion Wine

Wine is the best. And you can always have more!

Minion Workdie

Nah, I’m going to live it up while I can.

Minion Yelling

They better be motivated, or there’s another motivational session coming!

Minions Blanket

I turn into Wolverine for sure then, clawing all the blanket until the GOOD side is back.

Minions Eyeroll

I’d use it every day. Like why do we need the sad react? Eye roll!

Minions Mute

Did I find it?

Minions Script

Fall in line! Why does everything have to be mixed up?

Minion Damnthing

Not all heroes wear capes.

Minion Disturb

It’s the price of being my friend!

Minion Dragon

Oh, it’s dragging alright.

Minion Goodtimes

Cherish them! Friends like these don’t come around forever!

Minions HormonesFair warning to all.

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