35 Funny Great Minions Memes

Every day. And then I think about how tired I am at night.

They’d be so grateful.

Tomorrow’s another day.

That’s on them.

Being single isn’t so bad!

Sibs from another crib!

Then they come up with a plan.

Ladies, ladies, don’t be surprised.

Don’t fall for it!

The phone can make calls too, you know.

Never turn on the lights…ever.

Why didn’t they know what to say? I made it so easy.

Oh, and I guess hunger.

So enjoy your friends.

Oh joy, because getting up early helps when you’re sick.

Nope, they help you!

It’s exhausting, isn’t it?

Feed me so the evil minion doesn’t come out.

Always hungry.

Find someone who loves you for you!

They’re so lucky.

I’d think of you though.

I won’t listen to it.

Nah, you can see the squalor.

Life’s easier but same sentiment.

Let them wonder how you’re feeling…

A just, very long time.

They’d add, “Should’ve brought two!”

Where is it, where is it?!

Maybe you’re better off.

I’m so sorry.

Wait and see…….

Can we make it illegal? New law.

They never let you forget it!

Must be that ever elusive group amnesia syndrome!