41 Funny Animal Pictures to Make You Laugh

Should pony up those treats next time.

That isn’t mice!

Once a chicken roost, always a chicken roost.

Let’s splash around all day, dog!

So many furry reasons.

This is terrifying.


He’s so angry that it doesn’t look real.

Such a majestic creatures.

Slithering and sassy.

Hmm. I don’t see the difference?

Gonna tear up those waves!

Haha, needs more goats though.

No, I need you to brush my elegant fur!

Kiwis eating kiwis. What a world.

He’s melted.

Where you going to go now? You feeling chicken?

Heck to your sign!

This otter looks like a Bond villain.

Fast and the Furryious..the new class.

And you thought Jaws was scary.

He’s giving you a pug hug. On your face.

Go Kryptodog!

All he needs is a little drummer to do a rimshot.

This is my existential crisis box.

Oh glamorous.

Then there’s this.

And this.

And finally this. Getting your goat with this laugh.

It’s all of the little bunny fooofoos.

Peter Cottontail always knew to listen to his mother, but he didn’t do it as often as he should.

He probably thought it was Hoppy Potter.

It’s eating me!

Hey, he’s got some teeth.

It’s that darn Shark Week, anti-shark propaganda!

Lettuce meditate on the beauty of this beast.

Did..it…eat your cat?