62 Disney Memes Every Disney Fan Will Find Hilarious

I’m so doggone hungry, mom.

I guess you could also add “Second star to the right and straight on till morning” for Neverland.


Belle, pay attention.

That’s a thinker.

Disney movies: Trust strange men you meet randomly.

Bird, I only need you for singing happy songs and helping me with housework.

Biddiboppity OH YEAH!


Is that you, McQueen?

Mouse on the mind!

Think how much shorter Disney movies would be if they had Facebook.

When Disney meets history in a horrible way…

Why hello, credenza! How are you today?

Only Disney fans will get it.

He needs defeated!

Hm.. a little less yo ho yo, a little more no, no, no!

Hi, I’m Rex! I’m going to eat you now!

Though…probably not.

It would be EASY, just kiss her.

Come Cinderella, we can make it work!

If there’s lime around you, run!

Hmm..he’s maybe not that into you.

I’d watch this movie.

Inner peace, ya’ll!

At least I’m a Disney princess.

That joke is a source of pride.

Seriously, one swipe and it’s gone.

It hasn’t got to the part about “Are you still watching?” yet.

The circle of mobile life.

Now we can finish each other’s….sandwiches..

I’m going to show him a new world of anger.

My eyes!

Boy, it’s okay if you feel like a lost on this joke.

Dug doesn’t like the cone of shame.

2017-2020: What if all of our movies had sequels?

He MURDERED that I and we watched as children.

It’s our problem-free, philosophy…

You either don’t get it, or you buy a bunch of salt-and-pepper shakers of the trash can.

I’ve never related more to this Disney character.

I think he’s good.

The worst is that I’ll be feeling like this for months!

Long live the king!


I think their relationship is pretty deep.

Now you’re the toy, Sid.

Just another unrealistic thing from Disney!

Did the gorillas teach him to shave? I mean, he lived in the utter wild for years!

He’s right!

So trapped, and yet we keep going back.

Honestly, I think mine’s more fun.


My fork is just a fork!

Benefits of being a princess.

Ah, that’s the best one, the last one.

You can’t tell me what to do!

He just needs Huey, Dewey and Louie.

A new fantastic place to chew…

I’ll be there…Aladdin.

Sup? Wanna travel the world with me?

That’s the magic of Disney.