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Letterboard Momwasright

Never will admit it though!

Letterboard Buyingbananas

They look so beautiful….for a day.

Letterboard Cookingtakes

And that’s a conservative estimate.

Letterboard I’ll take the latter.
Letterboard Fall

That’s enjoy it, short as it may be!

Letterboard Homeiswhereyoutake

And just live. it. up.

Letterboard Inspirationalquote

Actually I could take both.

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Letterboard Maybeits

It’s definitely caffeine. 

Letterboard Memories

Memories they will cherish forever.

Letterboard Poop

It doesn’t need to exist. But it does.

Letterboard Surroundtacos

Then stuff yourself full of tacos.

Letterboard Thanksgiving

But a good day to be my stomach and appetite!

Letterboard Thoughts

So many things.

Letterboard Throwintowel

But can I just throw in the towel on that though?

Letterboard Throwpillows

We have so many of them!

Letterboard Winedoesnt

So which one tastes better?

Letterboard Winningmonopoly

You land on Park Place, you gotta pay!

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