A Few Crazy Big Farm Raised Bucks
Deer farmers are getting pretty insane these days, and the deer on these farms are even more insane. Just take a look at some of these Crazy Big Farm Raised Bucks. Deer farmers use all sorts of ways to get their bucks to grow to these crazy unnatural proportions – steroids, hormones, and changing their diet, just to name a few. If you want to hunt one of these Crazy Big Farm Raised Bucks get ready to pay. A lot. The prices farmers charge for bucks like these are way up in the several thousands of dollars.
Apparently Purina was the secret ingredient for this buck.

Picture via – stein hausers

Picture via – things with antlers
This bad boy “Max” was raised in Ohio.

Picture via – waldvogel whitetails
These bucks were grown on a ranch in Florida.

Picture via – roberts ranch
This is the 420lb buck from Wisconsin.

Picture via – snopes
This buck was shot at Apple Creek Ranch in Wisconsin and cost the hunter $17,500.

Picture via – apple creek ranch
This buck scored a 636 when it was only 2 years old.

Picture via – autumn legends
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