Creative DIY Face Masks to Protect Yourself from the Corona Virus
Supplies of protective face masks are fast running out around the world, and diy face masks have come up to fill the void. Nervous people are hoarding and stockpiling face masks to prepare for the coming zombie apocalypse. No there isn’t really a zombie apocalypse coming as alluded to by this report. But rational behavior goes out the window with mass hysteria spreading at the speed of corona virus memes.
It’s good to be prepared none-the-less if you can get a hold of a protective face mask. In Wuhan China, ground zero of the corona virus outbreak, they have instituted a mandatory face masks law. Some people who can’t get a hold face masks have come up with their own novel (pun intended) solutions. If they don’t wear a face mask they risk getting fined as patrol drones enforce mask wearing law.
Remember, as we have mentioned before, face masks primarily act as a deterrent in protecting you from the corona virus. Touching your nose or mouth becomes a conscious action because there is something in the way. This reminds you to wash or clean your hands or before touching your nose or mouth. For those infected with the virus, wearing a mask reduces the chance that you spread it to others.
Don’t let wearing a mask give you a false sense of security. You will still need to maintain good hygiene habits to prevent infection from the corona virus.
For those of you feeling your DIY creative juices flowing and want to occupy yourself or your kids on a craft project whilst in quarantine or lockdown, we’ve come up with a very simple DIY home made face mask solution here.
Disclaimer: Please also beware that some of the creative DIY face mask solutions shown below may cause danger of suffocation, or cause dizziness and lightheadedness due to them causing you to breathe in a higher level of Carbon Dioxide than you otherwise would if you did not have a make shift mask on. At the first sign of headache, or dizziness, please go somewhere safe, wash your hands and then remove the mask to breathe normally.
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Making use of an out-of-fashion boxer.

Adding a sense of style with a lace lined bra!

Perhaps making use of a pair of underwear he’s outgrown. Bonus points for turning it turned in-side-out for hygiene!

Sharing between family members, padded bra for extra support and comfort!

Skin toned bra for stealth and style.

He gave his grandpa extra little to drink tonight in the hope that he won’t need his underwear liner!

I guess it’s not his wife’s time of the month!

Great to see these tighty whiteys making a fashion comeback!

Upside down bra to make use of the underwire support!

Re-using water bottles for an extra layer of protection.

Remember how all plastic bags come with a printed warning that says don’t put over your head and danger of suffocation? Hmmm…

Again, reusing and recyling those plastic water bottles.

Respirator grade DIY 3 water bottle face mask. Fit for a firefighter!