Famous People COVID Memes
Global coronavirus and associated covid-19 cases continues to rise worldwide. So, world leaders are frantically enacting measures in an attempt to slow its spread to avoid overwhelming the healthcare system. The current policy of social distancing and self isolation mean no sports, no nights out, no socializing whatsoever. In this hyper connected world, what used to be considered a problem for teens who avoid social contact and retreat to their digital device, is now the solution to this unprecedented crisis. How can the rest of us cope with this sudden isolation? We let our creative juices flow with hilarious internet memes. We’ve had corona beer memes, stock market crash memes, toilet paper hoarding memes, school closing memes, and now famous people COVID memes.

How the tables have turned…

In this coronavirus pandemic, everyone, maybe with the exception of introverts, have suffered disruptions to their lives. Some may have their entire claim to fame of starting a global movement, blown out by a sneeze. How tables have turned.

Other celebrities like those that can take down the dreaded “whitewalkers” with their bare hands now have to wash their hands for 20 seconds with soap and warm water.

Fast & Furious is an appropriate description of the speed with which the corona virus is spreading world wide. Allegedly, the filming of the 9th instalment of the franchise has had to shutdown fast and furiously.
Boris Johnson, UK’s prime minister is currently in quarantine due to a positive COVID-19 diagnosis. The queen is also isolating from her son, Prince Charles, who also tested positive for the Coronavirus. This was our take on their conversation whilst in quarantine!

For some celebrities, their previous roles have now come back to haunt them.

And new celebrities who’s playing with fire!
The Future?
Finally, we leave you with a couple of memes which paint a picture of the future we find ourselves facing…

Just leave me a roll of toilet paper.

This is no coronavirus joke… Mexicans really want a wall now, here’s the link to the article of how this meme has become reality!
In these uncertain times, remember to laugh a little in between your cries, give your family members a hug (only those who live with you and are under 65), and stay healthy. Laughter is the best medicine for reducing pain and improving your job performance, especially when you’re working from home. Scientists have also confirmed that laughter increases immune cells and anti-bodies that fight infection. So share these memes and help the world fight the coronavirus.