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When you lose your pet you feel so helpless. You run around like a headless chicken calling it’s name with its favorite toy in your hand hoping your pet recognizes your voice or at least the sound of it’s favorite squeaky toy. What you don’t expect is to find it in a spot that makes you laugh your lungs out.

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This farmer had just gotten a new pet, a 2-week old donkey. If you think it is hard taking care of a fully grown donkey then you don’t know the half of it when comes to a small donkey. It needs a lot of attention, so much attention that if it isn’t enough it might just get lost.

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The donkey is a herd animal so it prefers having its own squad to be with. It needs pasture to be able to graze and exercise, salt lick so that it remains strong through the winter, an unlimited amount of freshwater and for it’s living quarters to be cleaned regularly. This donkey had everything, so why did it run away?

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The owner named his donkey Elvis, it had just been born from a 12 month pregnancy. Foals (baby donkeys) are born fully developed and within hours of birth are able to stand. They can also run by the end of their first day on earth. It is no surprise then that this lively two week old went missing one day and could not be found by the owner.

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Even though this donkey may have seemed independent, foals actually depend on their mothers milk util they are 4 months old. Like for infants, the first months of the lives of the foals are very important. They also sleep a lot in this period, usually outstretched on the floor which sometimes seems like they are dead.

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Fortunately, the farmer had a lot of experience in looking after foal’s so he knew all the important information about the development of a small donkey. He was doing a great job at raising Elvis, making sure he is regularly fed and sleeps properly. So it came as a surprise when he looked outside one day and could not find Elvis.

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The farmer looked in places where Elvis would usually be playing or standing, but he could not find him. He started panicking and went deeper into the yard hoping Elvis would be there, but he could not find him there either. Hopeless, the farmer decided to walk back to the house, as he walked onto the front porch he could not believe what he was seeing with his eyes…
Elvis was swinging from a hammock on the porch. He was so relaxed that he fell into a deep sleep as he was swinging back and forth. The farmer was so amused that he asked the person who was with him to record Elvis swinging back and forth. Was this even normal?

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The video was uploaded onto YouTube in June of 2016 and has tens of thousands of views. The owner then realized on YouTube that Elvis was not the only donkey who loved swinging on a hammock. He came across a 2015 clip of Leo, another foal, who was swinging in a hammock back and forth very relaxed. The video had more than 2 million views.

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The video is an amazing show of a small, cute and fuzzy animal with its compassionate and loving owners. Leo dozes off as he is laying on his side, holding up a subtle grin with his mouth. He wags his tail and then a while later roles over on his back so that his owners can give him tummy rubs.

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Such videos attract a lot of positive commentary with people who viewed it saying things like, “I wish all animals were treated like this! Too cute” or “Now I need a donkey, they are the cutest f****** things!”. The internet is filled with a lot of negative things, it is refreshing to bump into a cuteness overload that makes people smile.

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We may think we know everything about our pets but it is such days that remind you that you never stop learning. The farmer knows every technical aspect that concerns raising a donkey but he did not know that his blind-spot would be the hammock sitting right in front of his porch. What other animals enjoy doing unusual things?

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Donkeys aren’t the only animals that enjoy unusual leisure time. For example there are dogs that surf, quite well at that. There are also cats that dance on their tip-toes right after drinking milk. Of course here we are taking about talented animals and being able to sleep on a hammock isn’t exactly a special talent, although we must admit, it’s pretty cool.

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If Elvis wasn’t a farm animal but rather lived in town there would have been pictures of him all over the lamp-posts in town, a search team would have been put together with gear such as torches and reflective jackets and every child in the community would have been hands on. Imagine all of that only to find your pet on the porch.

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So next time your donkey goes missing, before you go haywire in the yard or turn the town up-side down, make sure you walk around the front and check your porch. As we have seen from the story of Elvis and his owner, the surprise waiting for you might just have you in awe.