30 Astonishing World Map Facts That Will Undoubtedly Blow You Mind
Nice F****** Meme Bro!
Before vs Now
I hate that this is so accurate LOL
Woah , that’s a huge difference
Ariel View of the Poles
Nature is truly Amazing
Imagine all the things that mountain has seen !

Traveling in on the Pangaea must have been LIT
That looks like a Kitty cat
Kiribati looks like they have everything they would ever need there lol
The topographic map of south America looks so cool!
chile is the size of a chilli , how fitting lol
Would you travel that distance !?
Whats left of the south pole , how sad
I didn’t know South America was so lopsided !
Hahaha The boarder between America and Canada
I need to take a swim in there !
Time zones
Demark is insanley old !
these topographical maps really put into perspective how a country really looks
This person Hiked just to take the perfect picture of the Toblerone mountain , what a ledgend !
That’s one deep Lake
This has to be a joke !
grid waves look insane!
Chile spans all these countries, insane!
The excellent horseshoe river!
This is such a cool picture !
This kinda creeps me out , not sure why lol
Woah , epic
Snapple facts were the best!