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20 Great Mental Health Bullet Journal PagesBullet Wrry Tree

Make a worry tree to trace your thoughts.Bullet Wh Am I If Reflect on yourself without depression and anxiety.src=”” alt=”” width=”564″ height=”705″ /> Track your habits and moods on one page.
Bullet Stp Verthinking Write out the signs of over thinking.Bullet Anxiety Feels Write down truths about anxiety.Bullet What I Lve Remember what you love about yourself.
Bullet What CntrlMake a list of things to control.

Make Your Own Funny Memes Here!

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Bullet Und Make a ‘undo’ list.Bullet Trigger Tracker Track all of your triggers.Bullet SelfMake a page about doing less and more.Bullet Self Care List List things that will benefit yourself.
Bullet Reduce Create an anxiety reducing list.
Bullet Mnthy ChallengeMake a self-improvement page.
Bullet I KnwMake an “I Know” page for anxiety attacks.
Bullet Cnnectin List Make a page for a balanced life.Bullet AlternativesCreate alternative lists.Bullet Ined Page Check in with yourself.
Bullet Stp List Create a stop list.Bullet Make Day Better Create a “better day” list.
Bullet Mentally StrngThink about mental strength.

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