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20 New Bullet Journal Ideas and Tips for Anyone Craving Organization Perfect for the snowball method.Use this template to categorize your stuff!Make a little flag note with your key. src=”https://thefunnybeaver.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/diy-color-in-books.jpg” alt=”” width=”564″ height=”564″ />Track your books with color.Track your favorites for the month. Keep the funny things your kids say.Make a less and more list.
Create a list for your library check-outs!Play self care bingo. Make a list of spring bucketlist items.Or create a spring and summer bucket list.Map out your state journeysCreate a wishlist for everything you want vs.need.Track your strength training.Don’t forget doctor appointments ,track em!Create a project list.Make a music playlist for the monthPutting in job apps? Use a tracker to make sure you know all of the steps you’ve completedTrack your dogwalking.Keep an eye on that blood pressure if it’s a concern.