25 Funny Minions Memes You Can’t Resist Laughing At

Best you never know..

It’s up to me to tell him.

They’re so draining.

I give up.

I’ll be happy, trust me.

I’m finished!

It was quite a work out!

I’m not a mind reader.

Just an amazing feat!

I’m the best at talking myself in and out of things.

But I can dream…

Don’t even get me started on WebMD!

They get right down there with you.

Ah, there’s the problem..

He was asking for that.

And who can be idiotic with you.

What would we do?!!!

Will you be my friend?

Fair warning.

Can I just repeat step 1 instead of going to step 2?

Then he tried to charge me for it! The nerve!

Ugh..way too much pop and crackle.

That’s a fair punishment.

You never know, other people will use it one day!

What about their crippling anxiety?