25 Great Quotes that Are Motivational and Inspiring

A bad attitude can literally block love,
blessings, and destiny from finding you.
don’t be the reason you don’t succeed.
There’s plenty of others will stand in your way, why be one of them?
Do it.
You should always try to do more than you think you can do.

Judge me when you are perfect.

It will never be perfect.
make it work.
That’s the way.

Take life day by day and be grateful for the little things.
don’t get caught up in what you can’t control.
focus on the positive.
Focus on the good.

Own who you are.
Do it.

You have so much light the plants grow towards you.
Be light.

Not all storms come to disrupt your life,
some come to clear your path.

Stop thinking about what they’re thinking about you.
Just go on.

What’s left unsaid, says it all.
Listen to it.

When you know yourself,
you’re empowered.
when you accept yourself,
you’re invincible.
Get it.

You are good enough,
smart enough, beautiful enough, and strong enough.
believe it and never let insecurity run your life.
Believe it so much.
So what will you change?

Your discipline dictates your success.
Make it work.

Be addicted to bettering yourself.
It’s the best addiction to have.
Take chances.

When life puts you in tough situations,
don’t say “why me”.
say “try me”.
Practice this.

Having hope will give you courage.
-job 18:11

A single thread of hope is still a very powerful thing.
Hold on to it.
Just be who you can.
So powerful.

Life is getting up an hour early to live an hour more.
Get up, live it up.
Take notice.

If you always do what interests you,
at least one person is pleased.
-katharine hepburn
Sometimes that’s all that matters.