25 Odd Animal Couples You’ll Find Adorable

Having a hopping good time.

Just two pals just hamming it up for the camera.

This primate is fully devoted to his pooch pal.

Stop monkeying around, and take the picture!

She’s got the best seat in the house.

A hippo and a tortoise… name a stranger friendship. But it works.

In fables, wolves eat goats, but not here. They’re friends!

The sheep and the elephant have some baaaadass adventures.

Who has a friend? Polly does in this adorable Aussie.

The Fox and the Hound in real life.

These two don’t let their differences stop them from getting along.

They met this scorpion at the insection.

Whoooo are the cutest couple? These two.

The Owl and the Pussycat is a famous poem by Lear.. here it is!

Capybara’s will socialize with any animal.

This kitty likes to count his — and snuggle with him too.

This photo is proof that animals truly have connection with one another.

Tiger, tiger burning bright…is that a pig on your right?

An otter and a kitten sleeping together. You’re welcome.

They both have fluffy coats, they’re both adorable, I can see why they’re friends!

If he called him a ham, he was only kidding.

Baboon and kitten share cuddles.

No horsing around here — just two pals enjoying the winter.

Gives new meaning to the book “Are You My Mother?”